gnnwr.models module

class gnnwr.models.GNNWR(train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset, dense_layers=None, start_lr: float = 0.1, optimizer='Adagrad', drop_out=0.2, batch_norm=True, activate_func=PReLU(num_parameters=1), model_name='GNNWR_20231128-111456', model_save_path='../gnnwr_models', write_path='../gnnwr_runs/20231128-111456', use_gpu: bool = True, use_ols: bool = True, log_path='../gnnwr_logs/', log_file_name='gnnwr20231128-111456.log', log_level=20, optimizer_params=None)[source]

Bases: object

GNNWR(Geographically neural network weighted regression) is a model to address spatial non-stationarity in various domains with complex geographical processes, which comes from the paper Geographically neural network weighted regression for the accurate estimation of spatial non-stationarity.

  • train_dataset (baseDataset) – the dataset of training

  • valid_dataset (baseDataset) – the dataset of validation

  • test_dataset (baseDataset) – the dataset of testing

  • dense_layers (list) –

    the dense layers of the model (default: None)

    Default structure is a geometric sequence of power of 2, the minimum is 2, and the maximum is the power of 2 closest to the number of neurons in the input layer.

    i.e. [2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256]

  • start_lr (float) – the start learning rate of the model (default: 0.1)

  • optimizer (str, optional) – the optimizer of the model (default: "Adagrad") choose from “SGD”,”Adam”,”RMSprop”,”Adagrad”,”Adadelta”

  • drop_out (float) – the drop out rate of the model (default: 0.2)

  • batch_norm (bool, optional) – whether use batch normalization (default: True)

  • activate_func (torch.nn) – the activate function of the model (default: nn.PReLU(init=0.4))

  • model_name (str) – the name of the model (default: "GNNWR_" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"))

  • model_save_path (str) – the path of the model (default: "../gnnwr_models")

  • write_path (str) – the path of the log (default: "../gnnwr_runs/" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"))

  • use_gpu (bool) – whether use gpu or not (default: True)

  • use_ols (bool) – whether use ols or not (default: True)

  • log_path (str) – the path of the log (default: "../gnnwr_logs/")

  • log_file_name (str) – the name of the log (default: "gnnwr" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + ".log")

  • log_level (int) – the level of the log (default: logging.INFO)

  • optimizer_params (dict, optional) –

    the params of the optimizer and the scheduler (default: None)

    if optimizer is SGD, the params are:

    maxlr: float, the max learning rate (default: 0.1)
    minlr: float, the min learning rate (default: 0.01)
    upepoch: int, the epoch of learning rate up (default: 10000)
    decayepoch: int, the epoch of learning rate decay (default: 20000)
    decayrate: float, the rate of learning rate decay (default: 0.1)
    stop_change_epoch: int, the epoch of learning rate stop change (default: 30000)
    stop_lr: float, the learning rate when stop change (default: 0.001)

    if optimizer is Other, the params are:

    scheduler: str, the name of the scheduler (default: "CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts") in {"MultiStepLR","CosineAnnealingLR","CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts"}
    scheduler_milestones: list, the milestones of the scheduler MultiStepLR (default: [500,1000,2000,4000])
    scheduler_gamma: float, the gamma of the scheduler MultiStepLR (default: 0.5)
    scheduler_T_max: int, the T_max of the scheduler CosineAnnealingLR (default: 1000)
    scheduler_eta_min: float, the eta_min of the scheduler CosineAnnealingLR and CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts (default: 0.01)
    scheduler_T_0: int, the T_0 of the scheduler CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts (default: 100)
    scheduler_T_mult: int, the T_mult of the scheduler CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts (default: 3)


add the graph of the model to tensorboard


get network’s loss


the list of the loss in training process and validation process

Return type:



get weight of each argument


the Pandas dataframe of the weight of each argument in train_dataset

Return type:


gpumodel_to_cpu(path, save_path, use_model=True)[source]

convert gpu model to cpu model

  • path (str) – the path of the model

  • save_path (str) – the path of the new model

  • use_model (bool) – whether use dict to load the model (default: True)

init_optimizer(optimizer, optimizer_params=None)[source]

initialize the optimizer

  • optimizer (str) – the optimizer of the model (default: "Adagrad") choose from “SGD”,”Adam”,”RMSprop”,”Adagrad”,”Adadelta”

  • optimizer_params (dict, optional) –

    the params of the optimizer and the scheduler (default: None)

    if optimizer is SGD, the params are:

    maxlr: float, the max learning rate (default: 0.1)
    minlr: float, the min learning rate (default: 0.01)
    upepoch: int, the epoch of learning rate up (default: 10000)
    decayepoch: int, the epoch of learning rate decay (default: 20000)
    decayrate: float, the rate of learning rate decay (default: 0.1)
    stop_change_epoch: int, the epoch of learning rate stop change (default: 30000)
    stop_lr: float, the learning rate when stop change (default: 0.001)

    if optimizer is Other, the params are:

    scheduler: str, the name of the scheduler (default: "CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts") in {"MultiStepLR","CosineAnnealingLR","CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts"}
    scheduler_milestones: list, the milestones of the scheduler MultiStepLR (default: [500,1000,2000,4000])
    scheduler_gamma: float, the gamma of the scheduler MultiStepLR (default: 0.5)
    scheduler_T_max: int, the T_max of the scheduler CosineAnnealingLR (default: 1000)
    scheduler_eta_min: float, the eta_min of the scheduler CosineAnnealingLR and CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts (default: 0.01)
    scheduler_T_0: int, the T_0 of the scheduler CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts (default: 100)
    scheduler_T_mult: int, the T_mult of the scheduler CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts (default: 3)

load_model(path, use_dict=False, map_location=None)[source]

To load a model that was automatically saved during the training process. Given that the saved file only contains the neural network components, the suggested procedure is as follows: first, instantiate an object corresponding to the model’s architectural design, and then subsequently invoke the load_model method to import the parameters and weights.

  • path (str) – the path of the model

  • use_dict (bool) – whether use dict to load the model (default: False)

  • map_location (str) – the location of the model (default: None) the location can be "cpu" or "cuda"


predict the result of the dataset


dataset (baseDataset,predictDataset) – the dataset to be predicted


the Pandas dataframe of the dataset with the predicted result

Return type:



predict the spatial weight of the dataset


dataset (baseDataset,predictDataset) – the dataset to be predicted


the Pandas dataframe of the dataset with the predicted spatial weight

Return type:


reg_result(filename=None, model_path=None, use_dict=False, only_return=False, map_location=None)[source]

save the regression result of the model, including the weight of each argument, the bias, the predicted result

  • filename (str) – the path of the result file (default: None) | if filename is None, the result will not be saved as file

  • model_path (str) – the path of the model (default: None) | if model_path is None, the model will be loaded from self._modelSavePath + "/" + self._modelName + ".pkl"

  • use_dict (bool) – whether use dict to load the model (default: False) | if use_dict is True, the model will be loaded from model_path as dict

  • only_return (bool) – whether only return the result (default: False) | if only_return is True, the result will not be saved as file

  • map_location (str) – the location of the model (default: None) the location can be "cpu" or "cuda"


the Pandas dataframe of the result

Return type:


result(path=None, use_dict=False, map_location=None)[source]

print the result of the model, including the model structure, optimizer,the result of test dataset

  • path (str) – the path of the model(default: None) | if path is None, the model will be loaded from self._modelSavePath + "/" + self._modelName + ".pkl"

  • use_dict (bool) – whether use dict to load the model (default: False) | if use_dict is True, the model will be loaded from path as dict

  • map_location (str) – the location of the model (default: None) the location can be "cpu" or "cuda"

run(max_epoch=1, early_stop=-1, print_frequency=50, show_detailed_info=True)[source]

train the model and validate the model

  • max_epoch (int) – the max epoch of the training (default: 1)

  • early_stop (int) –

    if the model has not been updated for early_stop epochs, the training will stop (default: -1)

    if early_stop is -1, the training will not stop until the max epoch

  • print_frequency (int) – the frequency of printing the information (default: 50)

class gnnwr.models.GTNNWR(train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset, dense_layers=None, start_lr: float = 0.1, optimizer='Adam', drop_out=0.2, batch_norm=True, activate_func=PReLU(num_parameters=1), model_name='GTNNWR_20231128-111456', model_save_path='../gtnnwr_models', write_path='../gtnnwr_runs/20231128-111456', use_gpu: bool = True, use_ols: bool = True, log_path: str = '../gtnnwr_logs/', log_file_name: str = 'gtnnwr20231128-111456.log', log_level: int = 20, optimizer_params=None, STPNN_outsize=1, STNN_SPNN_params=None)[source]

Bases: GNNWR

GTNNWR model is a model based on GNNWR and STPNN, which is a model that can be used to solve the problem of spatial-temporal non-stationarity.

  • train_dataset (baseDataset) – the dataset for training

  • valid_dataset (baseDataset) – the dataset for validation

  • test_dataset (baseDataset) – the dataset for test

  • dense_layers (list) – the dense layers of the model (default: None) | i.e. [[3],[128,64,32]] the first list in input is hidden layers of STPNN, the second one is hidden layers of SWNN.

  • start_lr (float) – the start learning rate (default: 0.1)

  • optimizer (str, optional) – the optimizer of the model (default: "Adagrad") choose from “SGD”,”Adam”,”RMSprop”,”Adagrad”,”Adadelta”

  • drop_out (float) – the drop out rate of the model (default: 0.2)

  • batch_norm (bool, optional) – whether use batch normalization (default: True)

  • activate_func (torch.nn) – the activate function of the model (default: nn.PReLU(init=0.4))

  • model_name (str) – the name of the model (default: "GNNWR_" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"))

  • model_save_path (str) – the path of the model (default: "../gnnwr_models")

  • write_path (str) – the path of the log (default: "../gnnwr_runs/" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"))

  • use_gpu (bool) – whether use gpu or not (default: True)

  • use_ols (bool) – whether use ols or not (default: True)

  • log_path (str) – the path of the log (default: "../gnnwr_logs/")

  • log_file_name (str) – the name of the log (default: "gnnwr" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + ".log")

  • log_level (int) – the level of the log (default: logging.INFO)

  • optimizer_params (dict, optional) –

    the params of the optimizer and the scheduler (default: None)

    if optimizer is SGD, the params are:

    maxlr: float, the max learning rate (default: 0.1)
    minlr: float, the min learning rate (default: 0.01)
    upepoch: int, the epoch of learning rate up (default: 10000)
    decayepoch: int, the epoch of learning rate decay (default: 20000)
    decayrate: float, the rate of learning rate decay (default: 0.1)
    stop_change_epoch: int, the epoch of learning rate stop change (default: 30000)
    stop_lr: float, the learning rate when stop change (default: 0.001)

    if optimizer is Other, the params are:

    scheduler: str, the name of the scheduler (default: "CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts") in {"MultiStepLR","CosineAnnealingLR","CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts"}
    scheduler_milestones: list, the milestones of the scheduler MultiStepLR (default: [500,1000,2000,4000])
    scheduler_gamma: float, the gamma of the scheduler MultiStepLR (default: 0.5)
    scheduler_T_max: int, the T_max of the scheduler CosineAnnealingLR (default: 1000)
    scheduler_eta_min: float, the eta_min of the scheduler CosineAnnealingLR and CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts (default: 0.01)
    scheduler_T_0: int, the T_0 of the scheduler CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts (default: 100)
    scheduler_T_mult: int, the T_mult of the scheduler CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts (default: 3)

  • STPNN_outsize (int) – the output size of STPNN(default:1)

  • STNN_SPNN_params (dict) –

    the params of STNN and SPNN(default:None)


    whether use batchnorm in STNN and SPNN or not (Default:True)